What is Raw Milk?

Hi friends! If you’d like to read a longer version of this post, check out this blog post on why we drink raw milk. If you’re short on time, scroll on down. Thanks for being here!

Raw milk is simply milk that hasn't been pasteurized and homogenized. It's completely unprocessed and in its most natural form, coming straight from the cow to you.

Why drink raw milk?

1. It has so many benefits.

Because raw milk is not processed, all the original beneficial enzymes, probiotics, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals, and essential nutrients are uncompromised. Compare this to pasteurized milk where all the nutrients are either damaged, destroyed, altered, or inactivated, and it's a no-brainer that raw milk is superior.

A lot of people who are dairy sensitive or lactose intolerant (including me) can enjoy raw milk because raw milk helps in the production of lactase, the enzyme that helps break down lactose into digestible form. Since pasteurization inactivates enzymes, pasteurized milk is more difficult to digest for many people.

Raw milk also contains antibodies that can help fight off infections. There are studies linked to reduced ear and respiratory infections among those who drink raw milk. Studies have also been performed on lower rates of asthma, allergies, and eczema on people who drink raw milk.

2. It tastes better than conventional milk.

During the process of homogenization, the fat globules in the milk are reduced to extremely small particulates so that the cream gets evenly mixed in with the milk. After all, a standardized milk is what our centralized food system requires. As a result, you lose that beautiful cream line and the smooth, sweet, rich texture of milk. In the end, you're left with a watery, bland, flavorless version instead.

3. It's a living food.

Raw milk is full of probiotics and enzymes that nurture a healthy gut microbiome. Although the high heat during pasteurization is meant to kill off the harmful bacteria in raw milk, it also destroys the good bacteria—the bacteria that our bodies need to keep our gut healthy, and in turn keep us healthy.

4. It doesn't go bad.

Yup, you heard that right. When you open that jug of pasteurized milk from the store after realizing you've left it for too long in the refrigerator (or worse, that you forgot to put it back in) one whiff and you know you need to hold your breath and throw that away. That's because all the good bacteria that keeps the milk from rotting has been killed during the pasteurization process. As a result, bad bacteria freely take over, mold starts to grow, and you're left with gross milk.

On the other hand, raw milk doesn't actually go bad—it just changes. Leave raw milk out for a few days and it will clabber, or naturally ferment. What you get is a cultured version high in probiotics, completely safe and edible.

The only time it will go bad is if you use contaminated tools and equipment during milking, straining, and storing the milk. Otherwise, the milk itself, from a healthy cow, is safe and clean.

5. It has so many uses.

From all your dairy products to skin care to garden fertilizer, nothing beats the versatility of raw milk. The simplest way to enjoy raw milk is to shake it up to mix the cream in and drink it. Of course, you're free to skim some of the cream and add it to your coffee or tea as well. Better yet, skim the cream and make butter with it, then make mozzarella with the rest of the milk. Yogurt is pretty easy to make, too. Oh, and let's not forget about the homemade ice cream.

Leave raw cream out for a day and you can turn it into cultured butter. Leave raw milk out for 4-5 days and you can turn it into cottage cheese. As it clabbers, the curds and the whey separate and you can use them in a whole lot of different recipes. Alternatively, you can feed them to your dog (or chickens, or pigs) and they will love it, too.

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Our raw milk stays fresh for at least 7-14 days.

    Fun fact: the cream on top acts like a seal that keeps the milk fresh longer. Selling our milk in half gallon jars allows you to keep other jars sealed while you drink from one jar, keeping the cream line undisturbed.

  • Our herd is a mix of A2/A2 and A1/A2. Depending on who is dry and who is in milk, sometimes our milk is all A2 and sometimes it's a mix of both.

  • Since raw milk is not homogenized, the cream rises to the top. Just give it a good shake before drinking to mix in the cream. Alternatively, skim the cream and use it for your tea or coffee (or make butter!).

  • Our Jersey cows spend their days on pasture year round, and get supplemental hay in the winter. They receive a healthy dose of fresh air, grass, and sunshine 365 days a year. During milking, we give them treats of alfalfa, sunflower seeds, and beet pulp. We attribute the sweet flavor and exceptional nutrition of our milk to our cows’ grass-based diet.

  • Under Georgia law, we sell raw milk under the pet feed license.

  • Not unless we absolutely need to. So far, we haven’t had to give anyone antibiotics, but we will use it if natural remedies don’t work and a cow’s life depended on it.

    If one of the cows needs to be treated with antibiotics, her milk will be separated and discarded according to the appropriate amount of time.

  • Compared to plastic gallon jugs, using glass jars is superior in keeping the freshness and flavor of the milk.

    Additionally, the fewer times your milk container is opened and poured, the longer the milk stays fresh. For this reason, using two half-gallon jars is better than one single one-gallon jar.

  • Our milk is $7 per half gallon. There is a one time $6 deposit per jar/lid. Empty jars must be returned on each subsequent milk pickup.

    Ex. First order of 1 gallon: $14 + $12 (deposit for two half gallon jars/lids). Second order of 1 gallon: $14 + bring back the two clean empty jars/lids.

    *An additional deposit will be required if jars and lids are not returned.

  • Join our waitlist and we’ll notify you when a spot opens up for our weekly milk pick up here at the farm. Excited to hear from you!

  • On farm pick-ups are Monday-Friday between 10-12pm and 3-5pm and Saturday between 9am-12pm. Once you join the weekly pick-ups, we will discuss which day and time works best for you so I can reserve the milk for you each week.

    For privacy and security purposes, we will share our address with you privately when we contact you about you spot.

  • We would love to show you around and answer any questions you might have. Please keep in mind that our farm is a working farm as well as our home.

    We ask that you do not roam around for safety, biosecurity and liability reasons. Kids should always be supervised and pets are not allowed.

    Visits are by appointment only. Please send us an email at visit@littlestewardsfarm.com to schedule. Thank you for being considerate!

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